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Korean alphabet

A Korean letter is Hangul. ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ are consonants.ㅏ ㅑ ㅓ ㅕ ㅗ ㅛ ㅜ ㅠ ㅡ ㅣ are vowels.


ㄱ sounds like g/k.
ㄴ sounds like n.
ㄷ sounds like d/t.
ㄹ sounds like l/r.
ㅁ sounds like m.
ㅂ sounds like b/p.
ㅅ sounds like s.
ㅎ sounds like h.
ㅈ sounds like j.
ㅇ doesn’t have any sound when it comes first and sounds like ~ng when it is at the bottom.

Pay attention!! The following letters are aspirated.

ㅊ sounds like ch.
ㅋ sounds like kh.
ㅌ sounds like t.
ㅍ sounds like p.


ㅏ sounds like a.
ㅑ sounds like ya.
ㅓ sounds like u.
ㅕ sounds like yu.
ㅗ sounds like o.
ㅛ sounds like yo.
ㅜ sounds like oo.
ㅠ sounds like yoo.
ㅡ sounds like eu
ㅣ sounds like i

There are some mixed consonants and vowels.

ㄲ sounds like gg.
ㄸ sounds like dd.
ㅃ sounds like bb
ㅆ sounds like ss.
ㅉ sounds like jj.
ㅐ sounds like ae
ㅒ sounds like yae
ㅔ sounds like ae
ㅖ sounds like yae
ㅚ sounds like oi
ㅙ sounds like oae
ㅟ sounds like we
ㅞ sounds like wae
ㅢ sounds like eui
ㅝ sounds like wu.

If you already know the alphabet, it's time to learn how to put the letters together:)

ㄱ + ㅏ = 가  (ga)
ㄴ + ㅏ = 나  (na)
ㄷ + ㅏ = 다  (da)
ㄹ + ㅏ = 라  (la)
ㅁ + ㅏ = 마  (ma)
ㅂ + ㅓ = 버  (bu)
ㅅ + ㅓ = 서  (su)
ㅇ + ㅓ = 어  (uh)  (If ㅇcomes at the beginning of the letter it has no sound.)
ㅈ + ㅓ = 저  (ju)
ㅊ + ㅓ = 처  (chu)
ㅌ + ㅗ = 토  (to)
ㅍ + ㅗ = 포  (po)
ㅋ + ㅗ = 코  (ko)
ㅎ + ㅗ = 호  (ho)
ㄲ + ㅜ = 꾸  (ggoo)
ㄸ + ㅜ = 뚜  (ddoo)
ㅃ  +ㅣ = 삐  (bbi)
ㅆ + ㅣ = 씨  (ssi)
ㅉ + ㅡ = 쯔  (jjeu)

For practice you can use this table.

And I recommend you to listen this song to make your studying more interesting and funny.


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